How to Meditate the Easy Way
If you’re anything like most of the human population with access to TVs, smartphones and tablets, it can be hard to shut your mind off. And for those of you who can manage to empty out their mind, it seems to only last all of 5 seconds. However THIS process IS, Meditation. It literally is waving away random thoughts over and over until their thoughts become less frequent and eventually silenced.
The thought of meditation can bring thoughts of sitting for hours in boredom, but that is not what it has to be. Here some quick tips to get start even today. And yes I really mean today, in fact immediately if you choose.
You Can Meditate in a Snap
Don’t get into thinking you to hold a 3 hour long meditation session. A session can honestly be as short a 2 minutes. I always like to call it practice because its a build up process and you should be anxious about reaching a results. Its just about practice of waving away thoughts and doing quick 2 minutes bursts is a great way to start.
When you’re a beginner with meditation and don’t want to carve out time or have to remember it, make it a habit to do it before bed. It’s the perfect time and it’s the same process, health experts recommend anyway. Quiet stimuli, cut lights, get off your phone and just lay. However, instead of your mind wandering, keeping you awake, clear your mind. The best benefit you fall asleep faster.
Make Your Meditation Active and Interesting
Earthing or Grounding is a form of mediation where you go out in nature barefoot, whether that be on grass, sand or dirt. Scientifically the earth holds its own energy and sometimes you can even swear you feel a pull at you feet. Taking deep breaths in nature and focusing on the sensations of your feet against the earth can be a form of meditation.
Also looked over is simply walking in nature. We always hear the cliche “go for a walk to cleat your head,” but this can really work.
Make Everyday Activities Mediation Time
Don’t think you need a lavish set up with candle shrine to meditate. Of course you can hold objects or burn scents when you meditate but my point is meditation can be simple. Incorporate it into your everyday activities.
As we know water relaxes our bodies and lowers our blood pressure and stress. Your everyday shower is a great place to meditate for a bit a just empty your mind. Just focus on the water drops falling and your tasks to keep your mind from going off into a daydream, planning your day or rumination of the past.
Traffic Jams are also a great place to do this to keep your anxiety low. You just focus on the brake lights and inching speed of the car in front of you, with no other thoughts. That way you can be safe while also clearing your mind and not stressing while in the car.
Get The Benefits of Meditation Now
Now that you have some ideas to work from, you can literally start your meditation journey today. Remember it doesn’t have to be fancy. It’s just about giving your brain a breather and telling it not worry or think about anything for a moment. You’ll start to notice yourself having more patience in everyday situations because you’re able to redirect your thoughts or zone out in a healthy way. Not to mention the tons upon tons of sciency health benefit we won’t get into right now.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so start practicing asap, even if it’s just to test it out.