4 Easy Ways to get Energy in the Morning

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All of us can feel a bit sluggish sometimes when rising out of bed in the morning. I have good news that this can be alleviated greatly to get things done. Here are four east ways to generate some energy in the morning to get your day started.

Side note: Good sleep will always be the number one generator of energy. Especially if you go to bed 10/11pm and put it out of your mind how lame it feels.

1. First thing in the Morning, Warm Up

Just like one of Three W’s to Remember for a Successful Winter, warm your body up first thing by putting on some clothing. Personally I also use a fire safe heater that I ALWAYS turn off BEFORE I finish my morning routine, because I never want to leave it running since I live alone. The warmth gets your circulation flowing, which in turns energizes you to get moving.

2. Drink Something Warm or Healthy

Experts upon experts say simple water does the trick of hydrating your body’s cells in the morning. Some recommend putting things in it like lemon or having it at certain temperatures, but you can keep it simple with a bed side water bottle.

For fancier folks, many people recommend regular black coffee. You never get use to the taste of guzzling it, but as someone who cuts sugar often due to a sweets addiction, you can definitely acquire the taste for sipping it. It also allows you to be able to discern freshness and types of coffee so you can show off.

Even healthier, smoothies are great to start your day because it can work as a light breakfast buying you more time until lunch. Tea is also top notch with many having health benefits like antioxidants and natural caffeine to boot.

Please avoid energy drinks like the plague, but if something happens to disturb your sleep and you can’t tough it out, look for natural energy drinks. Those with a Green Tea or Yerba Mate base.

3. Simple Stretching or EASY Exercise

Another way to get your blood pumping is movement. Doing stretches in the morning can help with your flexibility, which comes in handy when you get older and if you do strength training regularly. It of course gets your circulation flowing and warms up the body.

If you prefer to work up a sweat, do an easy exercise in a sense that you don’t feel dread when thinking about doing it. This is to create consistency. You have to think about exercise like, “eh whatever its like a walk around the block, I can do it with my eyes closed,” or ” I can’t wait to get into this new music or this new routine.” You don’t want a mental block or resistance to it so choose what is best for YOU. Not all of us want to do handstands or put our body through a rigorous triathlons, sometimes simple works best.

4. Knock Something Out (Not someone)

The greatest hit of dopamine you can get is accomplishment. It’s in our human DNA. To start your morning and really kick off on a high mental note, you want to get something done first thing. Many call this theory “Winning the Day.” The balance is making sure it’s something you can fully complete, BUT it has to be for actual progress. So no, tying your shoes will not count. However, if your decide to do a morning exercise, or turn your stretching into a meditation ritual, or food prep with your smoothie, then that counts. It’s forward progress.

Doing this can really get the ball rolling on your day. And most importantly, even if you mess up and lose an hour or get off schedule DO NOT THROW AWAY THE DAY. Think of your day like 12 hours with 4 quarters. You can always still gain ground at any point in the day with any task you retry or choose to move on to instead.

Check out our blog on Why You Should Focus on Daily Objectives to Reach Your Goals, which goes further into how to tackle your daily goals.

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