How to Work Through a Breakup
Heartache can be one of the biggest distractions we can’t plan for in our everyday lives. It can throw us off at work, in our business and our perfected daily routines. Even if its just a friendship breakup or as devastating as broken familial ties, here is some advice on overcoming the painful thoughts and transforming them into further growth. Take these tips to learn how to work through a breakup.

Focus on the Good Memories
Our brains an have a tendency to ruminate on negative thoughts. We have to actively interrupt these thoughts to not spiral down a dark day dream and in turn ruin our own mood. This can really kill your energy for getting your work done.
Instead focus on the good memories you made and good experiences you had. Focus on the positive takeaways and moments of love, so that your brain feels the positive feelings. Even still, after refocusing your thoughts, you want to move on to the now and what you can use for growth.
Focus on the Lessons Learned for Growth
Once you get into the habit of batting away negative reflections of the past and focusing on memories that evoke positive emotions, you want to focus on takeaways. You want to pinpoint things like:
What early behaviors did I downplay that were red flags?
What state was in to stay?
What level of society did I meet them in?
What kind of people were they around or raised by that modeled their values and behaviors?
What made me stay past a set boundary violation or when I realized incompatibility?
Ask yourself questions like these to address blindspots when inviting people into your world. Try to make the questions apply to all levels of relationships so there is no bias because anyone can care about you or not, regardless or title.
Learning skills to fix the root causes of lessons learned the hard, will translate into setting boundaries confidentially with clients or interacting with coworkers.
Focus on Your New Standards for Better Future Experiences
Most importantly you want to set new standards to apply immediately for better results and experiences. What does higher standards mean? QUALITY over quantity. This has to be accepted, but based on your level of quality, you may attract more quality… in more quantity.
Many say what you want in others, turn that on yourself and become it. If you want to meet people in higher brackets of wealth to learn from them, you must reach the skill level or raise your own income to cross paths. If you want a physically fit friends, you may want to pick up hobbies to raise your own fitness. If you want a partner that is into spirituality or mental health, you may want to attend those seminars and events.
Putting your mind here, into the now, what you can use NOW to take action, can energize you. It can give you hope. Surprisingly valuing your worth, gives you more confidence in deciding what clients to take, learning new skills and meeting your own daily objectives.
So redirect your thoughts, to maintain a positive mood, to retain your energy to get things done.